
Please join us for our eighth annual Get Buzzed For Buzztails charity fundraiser! GB4B24 will be an unforgettable evening filled with craft breweries, local food, a mini symposium, a live auction, raffle give aways, a trivia tournament, and incredible people from throughout the United States who are coming together to support rattlesnake conservation!
Proceeds from Get Buzzed for Buzztails will go towards supporting The Rattlesnake Conservancy's mission to advance the protection of rattlesnakes, and their habitat, through research and education!
online ticket sales will close at 12:00pm est the day of the event. Tickets can still be purchased in person at the door.
already have tickets? click here!

Are you interested in sponsoring our eighth annual Get Buzzed for Buzztails? Sponsorship is a great opportunity to get involved in your community, support conservation efforts, and expand your reach to an audience who is highly passionate about wildlife and the environment! Contact us now at tbright@savethebuzztails.org!
online charity auction & BATTLE OF THE BUZZTAILS
As a part of the events surround Get Buzzed for Buzztails, we are proud to present our online charity auction, PLUS our second ever BATTLE OF THE BUZZTAILS! Join a team - fund a species! Last year, you all voted for team horridus and as a result we have been able to provide funding towards two projects aimed at the conservation of the imperiled timber rattlesnake! This year we're kicking off the event with TEAM ADAMANTEUS, TEAM OBSCURUS, TEAM CATENATUS, TEAM CONCOLOR, and TEAM MILIARIUS on the board! You can join a team now or start a new team for a different species!
Every dollar donated towards each team is a vote to fund conservation projects for that species, and whichever team has the most votes at the end of GB4B will win the pool of funds raised which will go directly towards conservation programs that benefit that species! Who will show up to challenge team adamanteus, and which team will win?! 🧐
New auction prizes will be added regularly, with bidding going live on September 7th - so choose a team, share the fundraiser, get others to vote for your favorite species, and get an early start on bidding on some incredible experiences and valuable prizes - all for a critical cause from the comfort of your own home by clicking here.
The winning team and auction winners will be announced in person at the event, so grab your tickets now!