Education Programs
In-person and Online Educational Opportunities Available
We have reached thousands of young people, inspiring curiosity, lifetime learning, and connection with the outdoors.
Education & Outreach
Located in the heart of Jacksonville, we believe that connecting kids with the many natural areas the first coast has to offer. Education and outreach are the foundation of establishing successful conservation programs and our aim is to get every kid outside we can! Every year, our education team attends events across the U.S. to help people connect with snakes and understand their important to our ecosystems. On average, our team reaches close to 50,000 people annually at several events, including the Claxton Rattlesnake Festival, Pasco County Rattlesnake Festival, the Florida Fire Festival, Lubee Bat Festival, Endangered Species Day and Party for the Planet at Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo, and many more!
Through these outreach and education programs, our team works to dispel myths, teach people about the importance of rattlesnakes to our ecosystems, the potential for venom research to help save human lives, and help reduce conflict with wildlife.
Classroom programs
We have many different education programs for kids, but one of our favorite things to do is visit local schools! We have hands on classroom activities and teach students about Florida ecosystems, how to get involved in STEM, and of course we bring ambassador animals like SNAKES and TORTOISES!
Presentations last 1-2 hours, but can be tailored to be longer or shorter. Our team of educators is also familiar with the State of Florida education requirements and can help teachers check off some of those required teaching items for the year!
Interested in our team coming out to visit? Contact us today to schedule a presentation!

On-site Field Trips
Looking to join us in Jacksonville at our on-site location at the Tree Hill Nature Center? We have a variety of educational programs designed to meet Florida state educational standards for you to choose from.
All of our on-site field trip programs will be about 2 hours in length and include admission to the nature center. Each program will be geared around a different theme, but will incorporate a hands-on classroom activity, an outdoor activity, and a chance to interact with one or more of our animal ambassadors. Contact us today to book your program
On-site Field Trip Options

Students will distinguish different qualities in sound, learn more about how rattlesnakes are adapted to use sound, and build working models that demonstrate how sound is produced from vibrations!
Shake, Rattle, & Roll

Students will compare and contrast plants and animals by their characteristics and behaviors, investigate local habitats, and explore some of the ways that rattlesnakes - and all animals - depend on their environment.
Ecosystem Detectives

Students will discuss the five senses and learn that animals, including rattlesnakes, use their senses to communicate. Students will explore these concepts through observing animal behavior and differentiate between living and nonliving things in a hands on investigation.
Who Am I?
First Grade
In this hands on activity, students will learn that rattlesnakes, like all animals and humans, have needs that must be met in order to survive. We will compare and contrast basic needs for survival, observe how animals interact with their environment, and build habitat models.
Survival Of the Fittest
Second Grade

Students will learn to classify animals into major groups based on their characteristics, behaviors, and needs. We will observe vertebrates and invertebrates in their natural environment, hike through varied habitat, and sort each organism based on its attributes.
Classy Critters
Third Grade
Students will follow along with the movements from real eastern diamondback rattlesnakes over a one year period through interactive storytelling to determine how animals and plants respond to changing seasons and other disturbances.
Rattlesnake Movements
Third Grade

Students will follow the flow of energy from the sun as it is transferred along the food chain through producers to consumers. What do rattlesnakes eat? What eats rattlesnakes? How do these animals impact their environment through the food web?
The Food Web
Fourth Grade

Students will discuss and observe unique adaptations that make rattlesnakes so successful in their environments. Students will explore how animals and plants are affected when changes occur and make important predictions on survivability.
I will Survive!
Fifth Grade
Students will analyze and describe how rattlesnake cells compare to other plant and animal cells. They will also play a series of games to learn about the organizational structure of life and the components of a cell.
All Things Cells
Sixth Grade

Students will discuss and observe unique adaptations that make rattlesnakes so successful in their environments. Students will explore how animals and plants are affected when changes occur and make important predictions on survivability.
Amazing Adaptations
Seventh Grade

Students will observe a live timber rattlesnake and participate in an engaging outdoor activity where they create a habitat and determine what size population it can support. We will explore topics of mutualism, predation, parasitism, competition, and more.
Timber! Falling for you
Seventh Grade

In this hands-on activity, students will compare & contrast how living organisms acquire energy needed for life processes through various metabolic pathways. We breathe, rattlesnakes breathe, do plants also breathe?
Rattlesnake Breath
Eighth Grade

You were bitten by a venomous snake-how does the venom travel through your body? How do neurotoxins affect cell signal transmission across a synapse? Students will explore these topics and more through an outdoor snake bite reenactment activity.
Envenomation Station
High School

Students will discuss and observe large scale environmental impacts resulting from human activity at urban forests. They will explore how these impacts affect rattlesnake populations, biodiversity, and ecosystem processes.
Urban Forests
High School

stem station
Introducing The Rattlesnake Conservancy's newest education program, STEM Station: Science in the Great Outdoors!
Every month, our team of dedicated counselors and scientists will embark on a great adventure, leading children ages 8-13 through Florida's natural ecosystems. While on these adventures, children will have safe, meaningful interactions with native flora and fauna while taking part in activities that will expand their knowledge on the great outdoors and natural sciences.
These programs will take place in various parks and natural areas throughout Duval, Clay, Nassau and St. John's counties, including Tree Hill Nature Center in Jacksonville, FL.
what to expect
One day, drop off program
May last anywhere from 2 to 5 hours depending on the session
Guided interpreted hikes through natural areas
Learning about native plants and wildlife
Collecting data and surveying landscapes
Learning new wilderness skills
Making crafts from natural items
Meeting ambassador animals such as different reptiles, amphibians and mammals

Reptile Encounters
Are you interested in getting an up close look at our ambassador animals? Join us for our animal encounter programs and meet our bearded dragon, nonvenomous snakes, and tortoise!
This family friendly program is about an hour in length and includes admission to the nature center. We will discuss various reptile groups, identification of important species, key reptile terminology, and so much more. Animal Encounters are held most Saturdays at 12pm. Reserve your spot today!
Homeschool Programs
Whether you are looking for a virtual school option, field trip, or on-site learning program at co-op, our team of educators is here to help you with your kids' education needs. Our team recognizes the importance of homeschool programs, with some of our staff even homeschooling their own kids!
We are excited to offer the same exciting programs that we do for on-site schools, where students will get the chance to learn all about Florida ecosystems, working in the STEM field, and REPTILES! Contact us today to tell us about your student's interests and we will tailor an education program that can help you meet your teaching requirements for the year!

Guided Nature Hikes
Are you looking for group or private guided tours in Florida's outdoors? We take students on exciting hikes to learn about our native ecosystems and discover the wildlife that lives there! Is your kid interested in frogs? snakes? lizards? or even birds? Some species are even best to see at night time, so reach out to our team to give your kids unique learning opportunity!
To setup your private or group guided hike, contact our education team today!
We also offer organized events through our STEM Station Program, which is hosted throughout the area at Tree Hill Nature Center, State Parks and Forests, and National Forests!

Educator resources
Not in our area? No problem! Check out our growing Educator Resources page to find cool activities for kids! We have coloring books, informational posters, activities, and more!